An easy apple strudel recipe with puff pastry that is ready in less than an hour. It tastes especially delicious fresh out of the oven with some vanilla...
This is a variation of the traditional Apple Crisp that I dreamed up one day when I didn't have enough apples, and there were pears in the fruit bowl,...
This delicious no-bake dessert combines apples, vanilla pudding and cinnamon graham crackers topped off with a caramel icing. It's best to refrigerate...
The secret ingredient in this apple crisp is Grape NutsĀ®. This extremely crispy and crunchy breakfast cereal does some amazing things to your basic oatmeal-based...
A sweet and tart dessert that disappears at every dining table. It is a fun twist on apple cobbler! Goes great with vanilla ice cream or whipped topping!...
A twist on a classic! Spruce up your apple crisp with a can of sweetened condensed milk that has caramelized in the can after being boiled for 3 hours....
Use this easy recipe with leftover apples from the fall or anytime in the year when you want an easy take-along dish or when company arrives at your door...
I make this puff pastry apple recipe with my mom. Its really fun to eat and yummy in the end. You can serve it with powdered sugar. I thought of this recipe...
Gooey caramel, diced sweet, juicy apples and a hint of cinnamon in a moist and chewy cookie. Once cool, store in an airtight container. Cortland apples...
So sensational no one knows it is gluten-free, let alone pretty healthy. The richness of coconut sugar shines through into caramel caution! Too good to...
Try these delightful bitefuls made with sweetened granola cereal in the topping. Is it dessert? Is it breakfast? You decide! Garnish with whipped cream,...
This recipe keeps well and freezes even better. My family and friends love it. Great for those parties when you need to take a dessert or just because...
There are very few Jewish Apple Cake recipes on Allrecipes, so after writing a review for the best one I could find and adding my own tips, I found that...
This recipe keeps well and freezes even better. My family and friends love it. Great for those parties when you need to take a dessert or just because...
I store my cake in a plastic cake carrier turned upside down. The icing will run off, therefore a regular cake plate will not work unless you have one...
This tried-and-true recipe remains my favorite today. This cake tastes wonderful. The apple filling keeps it moist. Apple Cream Coffee Cake is always on...
This dessert is SOOOO easy and delicious!!! All you need is 5 ingredients to make this! Cream cheese mixed with caramel then topped with toffee bar pieces...
Fresh fruit is too juicy to handle hot oil... But if you add some dried fruit to the mixture, it'll absorb some of the fresh fruit's juices, plump up,...
This recipe keeps well and freezes even better. My family and friends love it. Great for those parties when you need to take a dessert or just because...
This tried-and-true recipe remains my favorite today. This cake tastes wonderful. The apple filling keeps it moist. Apple Cream Coffee Cake is always on...
An apple goes a long way in this candy recipe! Little apple bits are rolled in cinnamon and sugar, caramel, and chopped nuts. Although they do take some...
These cookies are fun to make and especially fun to eat. They are fluffy, tasty and healthy, too! Use different assorted candies and fruits to fill these...
This recipe was originated by my aunt about 60 years ago. It can be served for a breakfast treat or for dinner with a scoop of ice cream. It took many...
This is a family standard. We have it at least once a week during the winter. The spices, nuts and raisins can be interchanged or omitted depending upon...
These cookies are fun to make and especially fun to eat. They are fluffy, tasty and healthy, too! Use different assorted candies and fruits to fill these...